Gig Certification Seal

Our community is GIG Certified

Internet Service – Adair County

Cumberland Telephone Company’s internet service uses the latest fiber-optic technology to deliver FAST and RELIABLE internet to your home or business.  It is now available within the city limits of Bridgewater and Fontanelle and south of highway 92 between Bridgewater and Greenfield. It does not require a contract, there are NO equipment or installations fees and CTC offers unlimited data usage. Our rates are based on data speed. Please call 712-774-2221 for more information.

SpeedFiber Internet
25 Mbps$65/month
50 Mbps$85/month
100 Mbps$105/month
1 GigContact our office

New CTC customers have the option of purchasing a router from us.

These routers enable us to manage and troubleshoot your service from our office. The ADTRAN 834-5, a carrier-class Dual-Bank Gigabit Ethernet router, built to deliver top-end Wi-Fi 5 performance, true gigabit routing, and advanced service delivery capabilities. The 834-5 is an indoor gateway delivering premium multi-Gigabit services.

The HomePass App used with the ADTRAN 834-5 includes helpful features such as scheduling internet access based on person, device, and time of day, as well as ad and content blocking, amount of data used, speed check, and ability to manage password and network name.

Need Tech Support?

Free 24/7 Tech support is available to you either by calling 1-800-205-1110 or by using an easy to use website that features a searchable FAQ or LIVE CHAT with a tech:

Disconnect policy
It is the policy of CTC that if an internet account is 60 days past due it will be disconnected by the 10th the following month unless arrangements have been made to pay the outstanding balance. If the account is reconnected after a disconnect there will be a $75 reconnect fee after the outstanding balance has been paid in full.
Lifeline - low income assistance
Low-income telephone and internet assistance is available to qualifying low-income Iowans as part of a federal support program.  “Lifeline Assistance” is available through Cumberland Telephone Company.

“Lifeline” is a plan that assists qualified low-income Iowans by providing a monthly credit on their telephone or internet bill.

Iowans who participate in one or more of the programs listed on the Low-Income Telephone Assistance Application are eligible for telephone assistance.

To apply for low-income telephone or internet assistance, applicants should contact our office at 712-774-2221 for more information.

Additional service options
  • Have your payment withdrawn from your savings, checking, credit or debit card account each month with Automatic Bill Pay.  Contact our office for details.
  • You may make a one-time payment via telephone using your credit or debit card.  Call 712-774-2221.

  • Notary service available at no charge to CTC customers.
  • Copies can be made or faxes sent from our office for a small fee.
  • COMING SOON…ONLINE BILL PAY.  Watch this page or your bill for an announcement of when this service goes live.